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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rubric of a Beautiful Singer

Rubric of a Beautiful Singer

She took her words and ran with them.
Following bends and trails that took those which listened greater.
Creating stories with sound understood and notes that seemed to reach inside.
Causing all those that yearn for hope and comfort to find a haven in the sound.
Her words are like a refuge from the rain and her eyes stare deeper into meaning like an adoration of beauty for all she wants to feel.
She can cause all those who hear her to feel entranced if purely by where they follow her words and sound.
Finding there's all that glistens from one who sings elegantly and finds there's comfort in what inspires in one who feels liberated in her praises.
She sings like freedom for in her all words and hopes with passion are free.
Singing like she could take the stars from their orbits just to be swooned by her, she causes spotlights to shine upon her.
Maybe she knows it's what causes people to dream of stars she sings from that causes them to be intrigued and inspired.
Staring at night skies they wonder, “is she more graceful than these skies and this world we run from?”
Finding trails in life walking roads they found existed before them, they wonder, “where would I be without a song to sing to help me appreciate the beauty of the day?”
They know where her words lead for she sings them passionately to carry those who dream further to where they want to be.
She's like a pattern found in person's experiences that soothes all they ever felt was scattered.
Finding they when she throws her pains to beautiful they come back healed finding they never hurt that much at all.
They smile at her for they know the words that she sings are crafted with care and adoration. Like a newborn dove now ready to take flight and carry those that trail them into skies.
She's sings like a yearning we all reach for when we feel need to reach opportunities greater and a find we're rising when we're held by opportunities greater.
They find her when a woman speaks about what she believes in and what she feels most passionately.
We praise her as we praise mothers, daughters, sisters and friends and we find she blesses us when we care for her like we'd never let her be fallen into any sort of difficulty as we provide her endless opportunities to let her passions lift her out gracefully and reverently as love carries her higher.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Women With Sunrises in Her Eyes

The Women With Sunrises in Her Eyes

They said open your eyes and let beautiful things be understood by all you hope for and all you reach for.
So you took your eyes and searched the world around you for friends, for companions and those to love.
You took your dreams and reached triumphantly for those to show you there's more beautiful beyond what you know.
They asked your eyes to trail them and said, “follow me and I'll show you all that's wondrous and majestic.”
You believed in grace without bounds for you know that kindness can come as love and as a friend.
So you carried your sorrows with your while you lost hardships and broken memories in the wind as if you were chiseled by both opportunity and inspiration.
To lose all that you ever thought was grievous and burdensome somewhere in the wind you knew, “nobody knows which way the wind blows and that's how you knew those miseries would be forgotten and lost forever.”
So you reached for brilliance and let it touch you showing you all the beautiful around you, like the intricate, texture to leaves on trees to the delicacy of the fairness of human skin you found worlds you never knew of that had always existed before your eyes.
I asked them if we're seeing life shown more clearly and they said, “if this is heaven I understand why some say we come from caves and others say we come from gardens but both together may be closest to the truth.”
Then one day I saw her. She had hair like wildflowers as if she adorned her head with all of nature she felt was beautiful.
She had eyes like sunrises for when she stared into me I could not feel anything but warmed as if it's like a completely new day.
I said be her of God or man I don't know but no one could be fairer to bless my walk through these woods.
So I asked her, “why does light seem to rise itself from where I see you stare?”
She said to me, “I'm just planting seeds and watching for the sky to have them grow.”
I asked her, “how is it women know of the love such beautiful things?”
She smiled and said to me, “because women are the mothers of men and without a heart you have nothing to grow and without light you have nothing to grow from.”
I laughed and said, “I never had a mother I felt had loved me, for she was torn between trial and hardship and I always loved her and I know she loves me because otherwise how could I ever love at all?”
The woman got more serious and asked, “do you want to walk through these gardens with me past the woods? There's a stream by the garden and we'll swim to forget these worries and these pains.”
She took my hand and then I stepped with her through the grass sidestepping flowers along the way.
We went through wilderness walking between trial and difficulty until we found the garden she had spoke of past the woods.
She showed me all the beautiful things she wanted me to touch. They were things I never knew at all and always felt were beautiful. She took my hand and led me to the water and said, let me swim with you and let the water carry us and let these past things fall away somewhere beneath the riverbed.
So I stepped into the water and it first felt cold yet I found when I stepped with her it never mattered.
Then I found the secret and the truth to all human life. It's that we can never truly ever be clean without someone to love us and we can never truly feel clean until we have someone that does.
For all my life I had searched for love I never thought I had when it was in front of me every day in the ones that care and the ones that take me with them.
I asked her then what her name was and she said, “my name is like lily for I'm as delicate as a white dove. I carry wildflowers with me because I'm as wild as a wilderness for I see beauty in even the most common of people.”
Then I asked her who she loved and she laughed and replied, “you're the first man who has ever been to this river with me. Others have walked through the woods and even one or two have been in the garden with me but you stayed until you'd swim with me in the river.”
I then asked her, “can I swim forever with you here? I've always loved a woman who likes lilies and wildflowers but I really always just wanted to swim.”
She looked at me again and I saw the sunlight I saw earlier in her eyes reflected from the water and she said, “I've never much been a fan for water but we'll have this stream as our sacred place we go to be alone together and what I really want is to walk through the world with you.”
So then I took her hand and I walked her through all the places I wanted to see, “the coliseums of Rome, the Parthenon of Greece, the castles of Ireland and then the beauty of the United States.”
Then one day I asked her when we went back to our little river next to the garden why she wanted to see such great things and she replied, “because I wanted you to work for them so you'd be able to see them with me.”
I never knew how much she would help me until I realized she was the reason I wrote this poem because I know one day she will.