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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rubric of a Beautiful Singer

Rubric of a Beautiful Singer

She took her words and ran with them.
Following bends and trails that took those which listened greater.
Creating stories with sound understood and notes that seemed to reach inside.
Causing all those that yearn for hope and comfort to find a haven in the sound.
Her words are like a refuge from the rain and her eyes stare deeper into meaning like an adoration of beauty for all she wants to feel.
She can cause all those who hear her to feel entranced if purely by where they follow her words and sound.
Finding there's all that glistens from one who sings elegantly and finds there's comfort in what inspires in one who feels liberated in her praises.
She sings like freedom for in her all words and hopes with passion are free.
Singing like she could take the stars from their orbits just to be swooned by her, she causes spotlights to shine upon her.
Maybe she knows it's what causes people to dream of stars she sings from that causes them to be intrigued and inspired.
Staring at night skies they wonder, “is she more graceful than these skies and this world we run from?”
Finding trails in life walking roads they found existed before them, they wonder, “where would I be without a song to sing to help me appreciate the beauty of the day?”
They know where her words lead for she sings them passionately to carry those who dream further to where they want to be.
She's like a pattern found in person's experiences that soothes all they ever felt was scattered.
Finding they when she throws her pains to beautiful they come back healed finding they never hurt that much at all.
They smile at her for they know the words that she sings are crafted with care and adoration. Like a newborn dove now ready to take flight and carry those that trail them into skies.
She's sings like a yearning we all reach for when we feel need to reach opportunities greater and a find we're rising when we're held by opportunities greater.
They find her when a woman speaks about what she believes in and what she feels most passionately.
We praise her as we praise mothers, daughters, sisters and friends and we find she blesses us when we care for her like we'd never let her be fallen into any sort of difficulty as we provide her endless opportunities to let her passions lift her out gracefully and reverently as love carries her higher.

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