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Monday, April 30, 2012

All That Matters

All the glittering gold of elegance.
In this you lie, for bent the road we stepped.
Down grinning remains of grandeur walked.
To suffering remains we carry like brimstone behemoth.
You lie for shaking the wings of freedom stained.
To such tragic strands of suffering wrought.
Down paths few follow fallow to suckle malice from greed.
Arriving at still road empty enough to step my feet upon.
When all shadows merge at one destination.
Unable to decipher dark from light you carry on.
When all is shallow but what convinces skies to carry.
You still find joy in glimmering starlight piercing radiant night.
When you see black as emptiness mixed with all that's bright.
Writing paths in the skies for all to see and tremble to be warmed.
You see life that's etched in miracle and circumstance.
For certain temperaments facilitate life and that is all we know.
Yet no miracle exists in this world that can't be logic bound.
Though never have we been able to understand who we are how.
I see her like sky piercing moon and still able to dance around me.
Reflecting all I've ever wanted to see and still know I'm bound by her.
Like some weight she carries that tells me I'm also her strength.
I'd chase her just to watch her swing upon my dreams.
Guiding me through wherever we shall find a place to hold us.
And you shall never fall without first clutching at what we have among us.
To lift us to and through the universe we clutch on wing and freedom bound.
As we watch our dreams unfold like we've become something immortal.
Though also eternally remembered like some sort of starlight message.

And you carry dreams with me, wrought with void and grasping eyes.
Eyes which trail down the path she carries to such spanning places.
Seeing all that ever was and ever could be.
I see her like wilderness and adventure.
Not one which could ever be trodden alone.
As two make one path less lonely.
When all we have is each other.

For her I'd give it all and everything again all over.
Not one road lest forgotten by forgiving tongue.
When all we have are words to soothe the sorrow.
As all we have to give is what we have.
From shadow that knows not but what we've hid.
By being alive enough to touch a life in grace.
Though all we've known is but a dream.
Never to know but what we've forgotten.
For her I'd forget it all and lose it all again.

Though I'd never forget enough to be forgotten.
Though all we have is but a dreamer's song.
That not word could touch enough to appreciate.
That all we'd ever dream is that what is gone.
As we've only known that which we lost.
Not even amnesia could make us forget.
That which we love is eternally significant.
I don't think she ever knew me at all.
Though I've never been afraid to find out I'm forgotten.
By that which never knew me at all.

You ask me how I do as I choose and I'd have to tell you it's better to be afraid than be forgotten by being afraid. Nobody ever makes it out of this life with everything they were intact. Rather bits and pieces of what we've done is all that is ever known of us. Even as time holds our life in reverence the tears, the joys, the triumphs become broken and dismembered by those who come after us. In this we're forgotten not by what we did but by what we didn't do. And that is all that matters.

Monday, April 16, 2012


You dream of shores scattered.
Drawing me to recollect the beauty.
That comforts me enough to move me.

You saw what shadows hide.
From the figures that drag them.
Down roads they walked apart.

You are one that dreams too.
I can see it in the way you speak.
Talking of such lofty places.
None of which you've touched.

You drag my shadow onwards as well.
Twisted and distorted from the heat of the sun.
Upon the cracked and broken rode I walk.
And dream you do as well finding solace in my step.
As what we've tread through disappears.
Those behind us may awe at how we've gotten here.
Funny how they may never know how far we took.
Though we can't hide what we communicate, can we?
Which that is where people may find what makes us whole.

It's funny you don't believe in gods and dreams for them.
Fairy tales or miracle can inspire me but never make me believe.
There's no faith that moves me but my own two feet.
You stand there claiming to believe in god, praising them in adoration.
Really you are more of a liar than I ever was.


All their colors, I watched them tumble.
As if life fell from their skin torn from beneath their bones.
They watched the roads twist before them.
Unable to determine what necessary path to take.

The skies I said did not show them favor.
Life they said is a beast which does not see them fair.
Like justice has shown them arduous circumstance.
A trial they shall never win for cursed their skin is damned.

For life can seem that way for those who haphazardly glance.
For who had much and leaves less in return from faulted reason.

Did I ever stop to wonder for those with colors they left in the dark?
They wondered why the brilliant seemed so hopelessly empty?
I have seen you struggle for that which you push away.
Praising beauty on one hand and beating others down with the other.

You made your own despair and are too blind to see your own mistakes.

Beauty she's like a river that flows beneath our bones.
Brilliance is like a stranger which everyone seems to understand.
Love she's like a reason that life chooses to fight for the audacity of it all.
Kindness she's like a song that makes us feel warm even on frigid nights.

I have seen where they reside not in divine loftiness but in people themselves.
For so long we struggle to look for answer or reason in palace top or temple floor.
When what we've looked for is here right in front of us every single day.
People are what makes humanity live and fight for itself.
For your friends and loved are the reason the only reason you choose to live.
Someday we'll die, our bodies will crash and burn but we won't be forgotten.
Those who carry on after us, they will be our victors and our judges.
We, we will be their hope and also their inspiration.