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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Praise for Inspiration

You imagine all the ways you comfort us to inspire.
For not by trial lost and worn by circumstance was I lost.
Those that yearn for you my beauty and my song I believe in.
When all that tires is not on hardship or persistence but renewed by love.
For naught of circumstance could we ever be in a situation to find ourselves let down.
Which you can never triumph if you are never willing to swing on seeming chance.
To let it move us by pendulum, swinging on loftier height to swing higher.
We rise when we lift ourselves and we know all opportunity is the child of preparation.
To reach on heights we reach higher, to touch the skin of beauty and still be blessed.
When she reaches into our hearts to lift us higher we yearn for brighter sunlight.
Raising us into clouds that seem to to allow our imagination to span in endless clarity.
As all that's magnificent falls down on the place we reach for in sunlight and sometimes rain.
Waters that wash the visible tolls and toils of those that lift us higher, their faith is great too.
Knowing that rainstorms fall on greatness and lowliness and all that blesses must also make us face hardship.
Storms that wash and clean the sweat and grime of trials overcome away.
In the rain nobody can ever know even if you cried through any of it.
My heroes are those that lift others and are lifted by heroes also.
If not for circumstance made challenging would we ever need to be heroic and made more so.
Not for reaching for higher greatness shall a hero ever be made greater and only the triumphant of the day rise higher.
When we all then sing and dance for beauty our song you inspire in us that's as comforting to us as heaven would be and as triumphant as it would be when we get there.
I imagine the ways you inspire and I find it's comforting just to dream.

A Woman's Faith

I told you I was not afraid to dance like a dreamer and hope for miracles like a fool.
For I searched out love and endlessly ran where I knew it ran and I ran away.
Endlessly lost I was liberated for she was more moving than my own fears.
Shook me she did until I realized that love is always why we run and also run faster.
The way she tells me there's a reason and a purpose to it all I just believed.
Not on just faith also on her heart I could find no wrong in what she said.
She helped to turn me from a man with nowhere to go to a man with everywhere to go.
I'd tell her I love her and I am thankful and she already knows and she is also joyful for me.
For never did I run from trial or hardship without dreaming of a better way to believe in something.
Why lost men continue to run I don't know except for love of something they're chasing after.
There's nothing greater to chase after than a heart that will cause you never to need to run lost.
I think of all the times I asked her for hope and belief and I never had a chance to know her at all.
For all the time she spent on me selflessly is more indicative of her goodness than my suffering.
In not hardship I may have been able to offer more, for that she is charitable much more than myself.
When someone gives you all their energy and commitment you also owe them success and goodness.
For all those that sacrifice for others their time and effort are all for naught if we lose what they give.
If not for endlessly worn trial made right with love to liberate from all our suffering we can never free others from their own difficulties.
Where I find myself and where I better my hardships from that is where others may find me more able to help others liberate themselves.
The trick about helping others is nobody helps others if they can't understand them, and nobody is too lost to be understood by those that can also help them.
Our trials then are lighthouses once overcome for those who crave warmth from the darkness and the rain.
Love can bring us all to shore and she can also bring us from the rain.
I told myself I wasn't afraid to act what I thought was foolish to find miracles and dance when I thought I was dreaming when really I realize now you have to do both anytime you ever want to be in love.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why God Made Sparrows

You took the fall from the sparrow, to watch the lover turn.
To ride upon grace when wind lifts them to rise evermore.
How much more you cause us to rise from turbulent wind.
We use hardship for triumph, situation to benefit.
All to surround us in your world with elegant grandeur.
Enough to fathom consistent beauty and still be moved by changing situations.
We become more a sum of our firmness through it all.
While bits and pieces of turmoil try to pick at us, we remain permanent and steady through it all.
You my source of love, the one I dream for I find more permanent and resilient than all the hardships could ever make me change.
If not for grace you impart and pressure to force me to rise I'd fall away to leave this place so lost to carelessly fall away.
Creating order and purpose to rise higher I carry on when all my triumphs seem more lonely and all my hardships seem so damaging.
Like a sparrow I yearn to reach higher places and touch the sheer heights of skyline while knowing the world down below is where I temporarily reside for a chance to make my home above in sky again.
You my grace and love that keeps my heart inside beating warming me as I continue to rise higher.
With me knowing without a heart that's warm I'll fall away to never touch the heights I hope to reach.
If not for sheer splendor and skill a person's talent is on display it's heart that shines and warms all it impacts.
For one day when we reach all we yearn for in trial and grace that's the day we begin to fall away.
At this moment we find if we can soar our way to safety to be held in the hands of those we love, we'll warm them with our heart even though initially we feel cold.
They'll understand it was love that caused us to rise and they'll hold us as beautiful, affectionate to our heart and also the warmth we make them feel.
At that moment we'll tell them, we're all like sparrows and sparrows are metaphors for those that reach for triumph and also love. For it's triumph which causes us to reach greater things and love that comforts us when we start to fall.
This is what causes people to appear as elegantly adept almost stunning yet also appear as humble and harmlessly innocent.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Disappearing Shadows

This is a short piece about a person, who is fairly influential in their area of life (anyone renowned in a skilled discipline) and yearns for greater things because they are afraid for themselves if they don't. Rather they work because they feel if they do not they're afraid for themselves and their own lack of knowledge and understanding. So they stare at objects they research and study like light itself. They see what they study as it intrigues them is also beautiful to them. They reach for it more and more and their passion consumes them more and more. They find they are more refreshed the longer and harder they search for this information and knowledge that they seek, finding they may be temporarily tired though their energy and life is restored when they wake. Eventually they find as they seemingly inch closer and closer to their eventual discovery they feel the knowledge and understanding they attained as pure light and also goodness. They are warmed by it and they look back at the fear of their own lack of knowledge and understanding and see it as a little less fearful and also daunting.

You dreamed of all the shadows.
You ran through them like nightmares.
Ones you longed to forget.
Until you realized they are that a shadow.
And shadows can never touch us.
Even when and as they hide from us.
All the fears and my fears, they reached at you.
Memories you longed to run from.
They are also long forgotten now.
As all memories run away from eventually disappear.
As they become less and are more lost and eventually completely forgotten.
Though why stare at shadows or nightmares?
When we can stare at stars and dreams we hold sacred?
To touch towards the skyline and be moved by a beautiful sunrise.
Nothing else is more moving than something completely beautiful.
You touch at and reach for the stars, wishing to see everything.
Grasping at all you understand and reaching for all you don't.
You pine away my pain and my sorrows, night and day they disappear.
As I reach and reach for greater and greater things.
Things that confound me and transform me, moving me and what moves me.
You pine for skies that warm me night and day and I am warmed still.
Everything you lose when the skylight departs, is renewed again when it rises.
For me to reach for all that you could ever touch and see and be, I inch closer still.
Wrapping starlight around my face, through my skin and over my body.
You become all I yearn for and become more of what I see you can touch and am warmed evermore.
Looking back at the shadows that plagued my nightmares for so long you find they're a little brighter and even they began to disappear.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Paths of Love


This is written from two perspectives of the same person.

The first one is the younger man explaining about finding love and the second is the older man explaining about how to find love. Rather the first poem appears typical of a younger man who is adventurous, pondering his choices and the second poem appears typical of an older man who is wise, explaining his choices. The interesting thing to note is these two writings are identical and the younger man's story is the older man's story in reverse.

The goal of the story is two-pieced.  The first is to realize the older man is happy though wise and question what caused him to be happy and wise.  The second is to realize the younger man is initially naive and foolish though towards the end he becomes the older man, happy and wise.  

Also the deeper meaning is the fact that the younger man and the older man are symbolic references towards anyone which is inspired to do anything.  Rather the search of love itself is a driving force towards the younger man making choices and the older man who has made choices.   The only thing different between the story of the young man and the older man is what stage of love they are in.  

Younger Man

You saw a perfect love and you followed after.
Upheaval befell me and mystery confounded me though in trusting her I overcame and understood it all.
A beauty more fitting for a dream I saw her as though I followed after her still.
She led me through triumph and glee with kindness carrying me through to her.
You thought of her as love and greater beauty could not or ever could not exist.
Ran you did through sheer seeming impossibility with audacity to brave me through.
Courageously to be admirable to those which didn't understand why you could hopefully run.
No sort of obstacle could stop you nor enemy could convince you to surrender.
For you saw perfection in love and beauty and she was my inspiration to reach even greater.
My triumphs made me weary and my battles made me worn though she comforted me.
To laugh you could and embellish the gorgeous around me, she said dream more.
All for a chance to show her what I saw her as with words and actions with courage.
There is no greater goal and no greater way to be inspired I felt until I could reach her.
In this quest all lovers are agonized and triumphant until they feel they love perfectly.
Made mad by passion that only one in love can understand increasingly more lost to find it.
Wandering through wilderness and sheer desire enough to touch what beauty we seek.
To find that there are no greater quests for one who wishes to adventure than to seek out love.
Wondering how we could have gotten here, so lost yet so free through feeling more to seek.
To touch the face of sheer beauty and be inspired more to find something we may have missed.
Realizing you and her one day find yourselves together walking the same road and she smiles at you.
A smile to reach straight into you grab your heart and hold it more comforting than carried in your own bones.
Like life itself could hide the greatest things it has for us in the mystery it takes two hearts to come together.
For her I dig for reason on the road I walk to show her how much I love her by.
Explaining all the ways in loneliness I could reach for greater and bring it down to her.
For her to hold it in her hands and be overjoyed by the love it took to bring to her.
To one day know that time makes fools of inspiration and the audacity we require to find it.
Grasping at grandeur and finding it lost to our hands.
We realize how foolish dreams are if they're not of others as things are the ficklest fruits of all.
Finding that we die with everything if we die in love with others and we die with nothing if we die with just possessions.
This is the only way to give meaning to it all and the only way to be inspired through it.
For life itself is love and life blesses those in love and those that travel paths to it are given opportunities.
And I in my audacity ask for the ability to find something seemingly perfect as opportunities fall along the way to me that carry me further.
In this our quest is never complete until we find we've found someone perfectly beautiful.
Which is an impossibility though once you find love together then you find what makes another beautiful is that you follow them to beauty.
Which is ironic because we find our entire lives searching for perfect love, then once we find it we find how to make it perfect.
Which I don't understand how someone could find something perfect in a life built on triumph over hardship, and pain, and suffering though I think I'll die trying and one day I'll consider myself lucky if I've died only to find it.
Even then I'd wonder is this perfection then I'd laugh.

Older Man

Even then I'd wonder is this perfection then I'd laugh.
Which I don't understand how someone could find something perfect in a life built on triumph over hardship, and pain, and suffering though I think I'll die trying and one day I'll consider myself lucky if I've died only to find it.
Which is ironic because we find our entire lives searching for perfect love, then once we find it we find how to make it perfect.
Which is an impossibility though once you find love together then you find what makes another beautiful is that you follow them to beauty.
And I in my audacity ask for the ability to find something seemingly perfect as opportunities fall along the way to me that carry me further.
For life itself is love and life blesses those in love and those that travel paths to it are given opportunities.
This is the only way to give meaning to it all and the only way to be inspired through it.
Finding that we die with everything if we die in love with others and we die with nothing if we die with just possessions.
We realize how foolish dreams are if they're not of others as things are the ficklest fruits of all.
Grasping at grandeur and finding it lost to our hands.
To one day know that time makes fools of inspiration and the audacity we require to find it.
For her to hold it in her hands and be overjoyed by the love it took to bring to her.
Explaining all the ways in loneliness I could reach for greater and bring it down to her.
For her I dig for reason on the road I walk to show her how much I love her by.
Like life itself could hide the greatest things it has for us in the mystery it takes two hearts to come together.
A smile to reach straight into you grab your heart and hold it more comforting than carried in your own bones.
Realizing you and her one day find yourselves together walking the same road and she smiles at you.
To touch the face of sheer beauty and be inspired more to find something we may have missed.
Wondering how we could have gotten here, so lost yet so free through feeling more to seek.
To find that there are no greater quests for one who wishes to adventure than to seek out love.
Wandering through wilderness and sheer desire enough to touch what beauty we seek.
Made mad by passion that only one in love can understand increasingly more lost to find it.
In this quest all lovers are agonized and triumphant until they feel they love perfectly.
There is no greater goal and no greater way to be inspired I felt until I could reach her.
All for a chance to show her what I saw her as with words and actions with courage.
Too laugh you could and embellish the gorgeous around me, she said dream more.
My triumphs made me weary and my battles made me worn though she comforted me.
For you saw perfection in love and beauty and she was my inspiration to reach even greater.
No sort of obstacle could stop you nor enemy could convince you to surrender.
Courageously to be admirable to those which didn't understand why you could hopefully run.
Ran you did through sheer seeming impossibility with audacity to brave me through.
You thought of her as love and greater beauty could not or ever could not exist.
She led me through triumph and glee with kindness carrying me through to her.
A beauty more fitting for a dream I saw her as though I followed after her still.
Upheaval befell me and mystery confounded me though in trusting her I overcame and understood it all.
You saw a perfect love and you followed after.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Brilliance and Luck

You had felt if you had just dreamed a little longer and felt a little stronger you'd have everything you wanted.
For this you worked tirelessly to think for how you could be what you see as greater and greater.
Though reaching a point of you own limitations you questioned for myself whether you could do more.
In this you realized perfection in mind and thought itself though seemingly attainable is impossible.
For every thought and hope we carry can never run forever and it either stops when we do or when we realize we can't reach any farther.
The breaking of the hope and psyche itself it only inspiring if we can catch it before it crashes.
Otherwise we wind away and watch ourselves brittle and crack as we go into depths unknown.
For genius is only greatness when it can run and half of any genius running is opportunity to run.
To take away a composer's instrument of composition would make them as ordinary or even maybe less than any other as they'd slowly lose their skills with their loss.
Watching their strengths and passions become none apathetic to nothing more than their loss.
As everything they ever worked for crumbles at their feet and they question why others can be so cold for them to be placed in an impossible position of unsolvable and necessary apathy.
When everything they ever loved most becomes as useless and pointless to all they chose to work towards.
To crack a seemingly, unconquerable mind indomitable in all pursuits of love and brilliance you crack their heart again and again until it bleeds unable to be recovered by sheer intellectualism turned to petty desperation and chance.
As one trades joy for pain to try to create joy from grabbing at crumbs of what they use to create brilliance that's where you take a great person and break them to pieces.
You know this because you lived this once and how you choose to never live it again is to never mistake brilliance for love though brilliant people grasp at it because it shows them how to love greater.
This is why nobody can understand how such a lofty dreamer can be seen as great just to disappear.
To question why they should at all one may ask and truly the only answer is they beforehand knew that sometimes being happy trumps being brilliant and the greatest know that you can't be most brilliant if you can't be happy, because even if others see you are a genius you yourself aren't clear enough to see the joy in their words.
This is why you feel you must show most brilliance at the greatest possible moments as those will also be the greatest opportunities to be given enough resources to run the longest.
This is why you feel as great as some people may be they can never be their personal greatest because nobody has a monopoly on every opportunity available.