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Friday, July 20, 2012

Disappearing Shadows

This is a short piece about a person, who is fairly influential in their area of life (anyone renowned in a skilled discipline) and yearns for greater things because they are afraid for themselves if they don't. Rather they work because they feel if they do not they're afraid for themselves and their own lack of knowledge and understanding. So they stare at objects they research and study like light itself. They see what they study as it intrigues them is also beautiful to them. They reach for it more and more and their passion consumes them more and more. They find they are more refreshed the longer and harder they search for this information and knowledge that they seek, finding they may be temporarily tired though their energy and life is restored when they wake. Eventually they find as they seemingly inch closer and closer to their eventual discovery they feel the knowledge and understanding they attained as pure light and also goodness. They are warmed by it and they look back at the fear of their own lack of knowledge and understanding and see it as a little less fearful and also daunting.

You dreamed of all the shadows.
You ran through them like nightmares.
Ones you longed to forget.
Until you realized they are that a shadow.
And shadows can never touch us.
Even when and as they hide from us.
All the fears and my fears, they reached at you.
Memories you longed to run from.
They are also long forgotten now.
As all memories run away from eventually disappear.
As they become less and are more lost and eventually completely forgotten.
Though why stare at shadows or nightmares?
When we can stare at stars and dreams we hold sacred?
To touch towards the skyline and be moved by a beautiful sunrise.
Nothing else is more moving than something completely beautiful.
You touch at and reach for the stars, wishing to see everything.
Grasping at all you understand and reaching for all you don't.
You pine away my pain and my sorrows, night and day they disappear.
As I reach and reach for greater and greater things.
Things that confound me and transform me, moving me and what moves me.
You pine for skies that warm me night and day and I am warmed still.
Everything you lose when the skylight departs, is renewed again when it rises.
For me to reach for all that you could ever touch and see and be, I inch closer still.
Wrapping starlight around my face, through my skin and over my body.
You become all I yearn for and become more of what I see you can touch and am warmed evermore.
Looking back at the shadows that plagued my nightmares for so long you find they're a little brighter and even they began to disappear.

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