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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Of Sand Castles and the Dreams that Make Them Rise

A man feels he loves a woman unconditionally who he dreams about daily. He imagines what it's like to love her and be loved by her knowing he's just imagining her. He thinks of her like paradise and every second with her like freedom, knowing that it's just a dream he has. Which really he thinks is why someone in love can feel like it's paradise when it's actually just living each day for a dream they are trying to someday attain. He believes if he works harder, he'll be able to own the life he wishes to have for her when he's someday with her. He believes when that happens it will feel perfect and like building sand castles itself on a beach it will of course be transitory. Which is really the nature of love he feels because people believe in perfect love as unfailing when in actuality it can be fairly fickle. Then he culminates the thought with the realization that love can be perfect between two people if they never actually see it as failed even though someday it very much might. This is the illusion we believe in that convinces us to dream of outlandish things when in actuality it's the only reason we work for things and the only reason we ever believe there's anything greater. This is proven by the fact the narrator is actually alone this entire piece and what he feels is in fact an illusion.

Of Sand Castles and the Dreams that Make Them Rise

It's worth it the way she makes me feel it so.
Enough to grasp at dreams and dreamers yet still feel touched.
In her I give it all away and gain it all back again when she loves me more.
Though she's just a dream I dream of her love more.

Someday we'll be free my darling to walk the beaches of our paths made below us.
As we walk upon promises that dreams we felt could eventually carry us to.
Though will and sheer effort until all that crumbled to get us here is like sand beneath our toes.
Paradise could not be more fitting for her and it's only what I'd ever wish to give.

I think that's why I feel so free when I think of her.
For how else could I say I'd be able to enjoy this beach alone?
If not for the dreams I have of her that I could never have but by dreaming.

I think that's why we can feel so joyfully warm when we think of such a lonely place.
For it's not the salty waters nor the peace of the ocean's kiss on shoreline which makes me want to be here.
It's the sound of imagining her heartbeat in sync with waves that brings me back to thinking of her again and again.
Knowing that nothing could be more comfortable or joyful than the way she makes me feel when she feels at perfect peace with me.

That is why I work and work more so someday when I meet her maybe her and I could have a beach.
For what's more fitting than a private place where we can feel the world together?
As someday we'll watch the waters turn and wash away the sand castles and lofty mountains we make together.
Though nothing could ever take the love we made in making it.
Because deep down we're still like children making skyscrapers and cities we think will never fall.
Funny how the greatest things people think they create in their own eyes are those they never actually see fall.
In this our love may actually be perfect as we never see what we both made eventually fall as we'll both be gone before it goes.

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