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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thoughts of the Collective Self

Explanation of Three Part Work:
Thoughts of the Collective Self

This writing is made to be a view into the thought process of someone who looks at humanity for all its faults and all its beauty, seeing how first how people realize their devotion required to others, their obligation to them and eventually their own realization of the meaning of it all, which verifies the first two realizations. The narrator is the internal dialogue of the person in their thoughts as they are dreaming for hope and reason in life eventually finding truths inherent in simply being alive.

The narrative is driven by the thoughts of one continually driven to find a greater more unifying meaning to it all, that in purely reason based emotional argumentation can prove through logic itself why those smarter and greater than them are ultimately obligated to devote their resources to a greater good.

The narrator's thought process is actually an allegory for humanity itself, using statements that on an individual level and a group level are non-contradictory and ultimately have the same meaning. The ultimate take away is that perfection itself in mind the representation and the individual manifestation of genius is the realization that if a statement is fundamentally perfect everyone must collectively agree on it as being true. The idea then is that the narrator is a genius and they become ever closer to the collective intelligence of humanity itself when they find collective, universal truths among us all that are ultimately non-contradictory for both the narrator and also everyone else.

I: Devotion
You sacrificed your time, your efforts the energy in your bones so I could breathe.
Life from those fingers with energy you gave to me bound in promises and hope for me.
To dream as if you could always dream the way I could be.
Sacrifices I cherish like the air I breathe.

You taught me there's greater things than just me for there always exists inside, myself and a cause.
Nothing could be as inseparable as a life with a purpose and a life with a point to live by.
For we're both as rich and full as the promises we keep and ourselves we keep the promises inside.
That doesn't mean you ever pray, for we're still ultimately alone but what we're worth.

If I told you how you ever felt so free, would you question how we could ever be so bound?
To these obligations and promises we place on ourselves to each other and also to ourselves.
Lost ones are never free and free ones are never lost.
For as soon as we show our worth we are required to give to others all that we are.

In this the greatest are the ones which never are anything other for they can never not be.
People question how they could find such grace, character or brilliance and they wonder.
Though honestly if they haven't reached greatness they haven't wondered enough.
For trial by fire is very much trial by pain and one must work if they are ever to reap.

II: Obligation
In this we are bound by not just what we do but what we dream we can do and eventually become.
For if you can see it you can do it and in seeing greatness you are chosen by it and you are indentured to its service.
Success is then not a test it's a way of life for those that follow its favor.
In this we are bound by what we do and also what we don't do.
We eventually become more like then what we choose and what we never choose we are forgotten by.

III: Realization
Brilliance then is the nature of knowing all we know and forgetting all we never had a chance to.
Then the only way to know anything at all is to know others as deeply as possible and ourselves as well.
Then truly if one can look into a mirror and see not just themselves but a part of everyone they've ever known and believed in they know they are truly wise.
In this the only bounds of genius are how much you understand the truth and beauty of those around you and also the truth and beauty reflected in yourself.
This is why the greatest people in humanity have never ceased busying themselves and learning, not because they are limited by their brilliance but because they are limited by their time to be.
And this is why if an idea can save not just you but also others, you have effectively brought salvation on people themselves.
Though I'm being too optimistic because it's not the idea that saves people, it's good people using the idea for the greater good.
In this no idea is ever perfect as anything anyone believes at any time can be used to take advantage of others.
For we are masters of the tools we create to save us and also pawns.
As the more powerful the weapon used the greater advantage one has to subjugate another or to set them free.
I fear for the future, not because we are doomed by it but because we are doomed or liberated by the ones that control it.
I don't believe great people are also wealthy people though I believe wealthy people can become great through using what they have to help the poor.
I think the wealthier someone is more the greatest obligation they have is to help the poor if not for themselves but for humanity itself.
If humanity needs the greatest of us to lead it how then should we be bound by not our possessions but by only our brilliance?
This is why I feel technology can save the world and is probably the only thing that could, because the smarter someone becomes the greater they become to others.
Then our denominator for intelligence is by the creativity someone uses to turn possessions into power and also ultimately their heart is determined by how that power gained ceases to consume their continued devotion to others. Genius is determined then by how someone balances their life in the eyes of others from what they leave behind and its ultimate impact on people when they're gone.

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