They marched as numbers down the
confines of their walls.
Piecing together meanings and moments
down from where they came.
Finding some kind of reason to it all
in numeric banter.
You are puzzled you understand like some
misguided astronaut in spaces not in space you know.
Trying to grab some sense of it all yet
clutching at things that all fall together and fall like sand in
between your fingers.
Hands that grasp for some kind of
reason in it all and come up defenseless and with no leverage.
Take comfort in the fact all is not
lost, for hands that reach can also embrace and are alive.
Boundless effortlessly free and wound
like the dreams we reach for as the world moves around us.
Giving all that we so desire though
giving all we desire.
Making our skin and ourselves into
illusion the very illusion we do not have.
As we find comfort in truth and the
lies we tell ourselves to carry on.
When all we ever knew and have known is
all that we ever were.
This is how tragic men find peace in
their pain if not for joy then for lying about our sorrow.
In this we come full circle and become
as we are and who we see ourselves to be.
For there are two ways we see
ourselves, one is the way we actually are and the other is the way we
see ourselves to be.
For this we are liars and truth tellers
though we see ourselves to never be wrong to others if we only really
lie to ourselves.
Which in the end of the lie we find
we've only truly been hurting ourselves.
For this the dishonest one is only held
in contempt if they lash out at others with their lies.
This is how we learn to forgive and
also hold our fears inside appropriately.
We realize our wrongs and our lies can
only be harmful if we lie about them.
For this as they will one day dream
will finally set them free.
On that day they will cry for all
they've known and all they haven't.
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