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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Made Her Sand Castles

I want to give you sand castles.
Made from kindness and love.
Knowing that when they fall.
I'd build anew my love for you.

When I'd watch you hold onto it, you'd joyfully laugh.
I'd tell you things crumbled made again are more beautiful.
Like the way I see you struggle just to rise above.
Falling into pieces down on your luck.
Wondering why life can be so barren.
To those which praise her reverently.

You see too the pattern of dreaming song.
Words you sing to remember the way they felt.
When they once meant more than they do now.
Like you find melodies to remember why you sang at all.

Why can't we dream forever?
That we can just make sand castles.
And then make cities from their walls.
Raising triumphs of civilization.
Ones we reach for to find majesty.
When all we ever had is ephemeral.
Like a life that disappears into a sea of life.
When only bubbles remind us of where we've been.

Trailing life you run so effortlessly free.
Like a hope chasing after that which makes it hope.
Giving what you reach for ever so giving.
Like a dream that never knew it didn't exist.
Though knowing it feels all the same in the moment.
Like forgetting people can't fly like birds.
When all we reach for is the open beyond.

I know how you mutter, clutching obscenity and hope yet still keeping audacity by your side.
Like a saint with nothing good to say though questioning whether you need to speak at all.
While cynical to all you've done when everything seems to fall in fluttering circles.
Never seem to reach the root of what causes words to seem to sail on hearts which reach like what you choose to think. Though thinking it's rather delirious to think that words could sail in the first place.
Though everybody has a heart that which they know pumps life through skin.
Never to question that a black heart which is cold would never be of a living person anyway.
Such frivolous words to think for life itself is sacred to those which watch her fight.
Maybe there's hope for us yet?
You kind of think otherwise though I'd be lying if you say there's nothing left but sand castles.
Though I kind of think even those will disappear.

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