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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Worth of Life

You dreamed it like a day you knew so well as a child.
The moment you'd set sail and pierce the skies.
Like you'd reach for some god that never could touch me.
Reaching radiant dawn you find this is what it means to be inspired.
Not through loftiness of ambition itself without kind gesture left lost.
You find that the beauty of the divine is in us all not through god.
It's in the good way we treat each other, kind gestures and giving hearts.
The ability to give your dreams to another to watch their hopes grow.
That is more admirable than indomitable passion wrought.
When truly our sacrifice is thought of as divine inspired is error.
For one day we realize that the capacity to care is greater than law.
When not some preacher on some pulpit could convince us otherwise.
Kindness is greater than ourselves and greater than who we wish to be.
For love is the endearing passion of us all and nothing is greater than life which carries it.
Life itself is not that which does not need love to be greater than itself.
Truly love is what inspires life to inspire itself and life lives to crave it vehemently.
Not with negativity though with a fervor to pierce the audacity of living things.
Convincing us to race for grace and also what passionately drives us like will itself.
As our dreams crack like whips and drums against the circumstance and situations we see ourselves in.
For all to see and be inspired not just through the fervor of it all also the passion and dedication.
Verily I implore you to ask whether or not the lives which step with us on the roads we walk with them not bend in favor of us if we inspire them to dream and also to love more among us all?
Those which make it through to live another day life caters to if they give back more than their pain and hardship causes them to carry. Ask what words could cause witness to the gestures of the beautiful and courageous and also causes them to articulate like divine.
For when the hardships become too arduous for our strength to carry our friends and families will carry the burden if we show them we're worth being loved over the weights we carry.
In this as others are willing to sacrifice to remove our burdens for us we see from their difficulty and also their belief we are worth the pain for others to find the beauty.
In this there is no greater gift and there is nothing which could ever be more divine.

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