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Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Kind of Woman One Wants

The Kind of Woman One Wants

When you feel her laugh you're taken to another place.
You find bliss with just a smile and a touch.
For the way she finds you, you find freedom with a grin.
She said, “I'm going to break you down until I find kindness and goodness in the end.”
So you let her come to you and pierce your armor and find your heart.
She'd hold your hopes in her hands, smile and say, “I'm going to heal you.”
So you'd let her in and let her comfort you and hold you until you let her know she was beautiful.
You'd tell her she was beautiful every day until she'd say, “I know you just said that five minutes ago.”
Then you'd respond to her, “I know I just wanted to make sure you remembered.”

This is really the secret to any good relationship. It's a lot of praises and doing a lot of good things.
You want her to be commanding and push you when you're tired. You want her to tell you, “let's do this. Let's make a difference. Let's help each other out. Let's helps others when we're done.”

So then with just encouragement of a grin and a lot of heartfelt passion you'd be with her and maybe you'd do something great like help others maybe be humanitarians yeah like you'd be lovers in a place where most think it's too hard to find love.”

She'd say to you, “take your dreams with you and walk with me until we find we can dream together and maybe save a lot of lives. Maybe we'll feed a city and save a couple hundred thousand starving children.” That's the kind of woman you want. You want one that will convince you to dream big. You'd want to have her take your hand with her because she'd dream as big as she could take your hand to reach. Maybe you'd be a universal poet that writes tragedies to show others women like her are beautiful and worth being loved. Maybe you'd also write poetry about her beauty and write about love. Maybe you'd make a difference in the lives of a couple hundred thousand people. Maybe you'd help them to smile. Maybe you'd tell them you learned to smile from her.

That's the kind of life you want. Then once you're done with a day's work you'd go home and tell her with tired arms, tired feet with legs that ache from walking maybe you'd ask her if it was worth it, if it ever was. You'd hope she'd say, “yes it was worth it and you, you are worth it.” Nobody except her would ever know when you came back if you ever cried and smiled when you look at her.

That's the kind of woman that one wants.   

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rubric of a Beautiful Singer

Rubric of a Beautiful Singer

She took her words and ran with them.
Following bends and trails that took those which listened greater.
Creating stories with sound understood and notes that seemed to reach inside.
Causing all those that yearn for hope and comfort to find a haven in the sound.
Her words are like a refuge from the rain and her eyes stare deeper into meaning like an adoration of beauty for all she wants to feel.
She can cause all those who hear her to feel entranced if purely by where they follow her words and sound.
Finding there's all that glistens from one who sings elegantly and finds there's comfort in what inspires in one who feels liberated in her praises.
She sings like freedom for in her all words and hopes with passion are free.
Singing like she could take the stars from their orbits just to be swooned by her, she causes spotlights to shine upon her.
Maybe she knows it's what causes people to dream of stars she sings from that causes them to be intrigued and inspired.
Staring at night skies they wonder, “is she more graceful than these skies and this world we run from?”
Finding trails in life walking roads they found existed before them, they wonder, “where would I be without a song to sing to help me appreciate the beauty of the day?”
They know where her words lead for she sings them passionately to carry those who dream further to where they want to be.
She's like a pattern found in person's experiences that soothes all they ever felt was scattered.
Finding they when she throws her pains to beautiful they come back healed finding they never hurt that much at all.
They smile at her for they know the words that she sings are crafted with care and adoration. Like a newborn dove now ready to take flight and carry those that trail them into skies.
She's sings like a yearning we all reach for when we feel need to reach opportunities greater and a find we're rising when we're held by opportunities greater.
They find her when a woman speaks about what she believes in and what she feels most passionately.
We praise her as we praise mothers, daughters, sisters and friends and we find she blesses us when we care for her like we'd never let her be fallen into any sort of difficulty as we provide her endless opportunities to let her passions lift her out gracefully and reverently as love carries her higher.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Women With Sunrises in Her Eyes

The Women With Sunrises in Her Eyes

They said open your eyes and let beautiful things be understood by all you hope for and all you reach for.
So you took your eyes and searched the world around you for friends, for companions and those to love.
You took your dreams and reached triumphantly for those to show you there's more beautiful beyond what you know.
They asked your eyes to trail them and said, “follow me and I'll show you all that's wondrous and majestic.”
You believed in grace without bounds for you know that kindness can come as love and as a friend.
So you carried your sorrows with your while you lost hardships and broken memories in the wind as if you were chiseled by both opportunity and inspiration.
To lose all that you ever thought was grievous and burdensome somewhere in the wind you knew, “nobody knows which way the wind blows and that's how you knew those miseries would be forgotten and lost forever.”
So you reached for brilliance and let it touch you showing you all the beautiful around you, like the intricate, texture to leaves on trees to the delicacy of the fairness of human skin you found worlds you never knew of that had always existed before your eyes.
I asked them if we're seeing life shown more clearly and they said, “if this is heaven I understand why some say we come from caves and others say we come from gardens but both together may be closest to the truth.”
Then one day I saw her. She had hair like wildflowers as if she adorned her head with all of nature she felt was beautiful.
She had eyes like sunrises for when she stared into me I could not feel anything but warmed as if it's like a completely new day.
I said be her of God or man I don't know but no one could be fairer to bless my walk through these woods.
So I asked her, “why does light seem to rise itself from where I see you stare?”
She said to me, “I'm just planting seeds and watching for the sky to have them grow.”
I asked her, “how is it women know of the love such beautiful things?”
She smiled and said to me, “because women are the mothers of men and without a heart you have nothing to grow and without light you have nothing to grow from.”
I laughed and said, “I never had a mother I felt had loved me, for she was torn between trial and hardship and I always loved her and I know she loves me because otherwise how could I ever love at all?”
The woman got more serious and asked, “do you want to walk through these gardens with me past the woods? There's a stream by the garden and we'll swim to forget these worries and these pains.”
She took my hand and then I stepped with her through the grass sidestepping flowers along the way.
We went through wilderness walking between trial and difficulty until we found the garden she had spoke of past the woods.
She showed me all the beautiful things she wanted me to touch. They were things I never knew at all and always felt were beautiful. She took my hand and led me to the water and said, let me swim with you and let the water carry us and let these past things fall away somewhere beneath the riverbed.
So I stepped into the water and it first felt cold yet I found when I stepped with her it never mattered.
Then I found the secret and the truth to all human life. It's that we can never truly ever be clean without someone to love us and we can never truly feel clean until we have someone that does.
For all my life I had searched for love I never thought I had when it was in front of me every day in the ones that care and the ones that take me with them.
I asked her then what her name was and she said, “my name is like lily for I'm as delicate as a white dove. I carry wildflowers with me because I'm as wild as a wilderness for I see beauty in even the most common of people.”
Then I asked her who she loved and she laughed and replied, “you're the first man who has ever been to this river with me. Others have walked through the woods and even one or two have been in the garden with me but you stayed until you'd swim with me in the river.”
I then asked her, “can I swim forever with you here? I've always loved a woman who likes lilies and wildflowers but I really always just wanted to swim.”
She looked at me again and I saw the sunlight I saw earlier in her eyes reflected from the water and she said, “I've never much been a fan for water but we'll have this stream as our sacred place we go to be alone together and what I really want is to walk through the world with you.”
So then I took her hand and I walked her through all the places I wanted to see, “the coliseums of Rome, the Parthenon of Greece, the castles of Ireland and then the beauty of the United States.”
Then one day I asked her when we went back to our little river next to the garden why she wanted to see such great things and she replied, “because I wanted you to work for them so you'd be able to see them with me.”
I never knew how much she would help me until I realized she was the reason I wrote this poem because I know one day she will.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just Life

Your life shook them until those in your life around you seemed to shake around you.
The hopes you had carried they had caused people to turn.
To choose their choices to accommodate the love you had carried.
As you had a dream that was only given to you by those that cared.
For every day you yearned for greater opportunity to be able to reach farther.
To be able to desire to gather all that's wondrous and beautiful and then watch these to cause others to turn towards them, you yearn.
As they who are great then stare at the hopes we all reach for like indefatigable wanderers in deserts lost without water.
You want to take joys and opportunities and wrap them around those who are struggling like life vests for those that yearn for goodness and have them hopefully be made better by something good they also believe in.
You want to push those higher in life that just wish to reach something more as they clutch at the mysterious to find places to reach from to also be able to reach for more.
You want to find love in what is like seeming impossibilities so you'll be able to find greatness in what seems like near improbable grace.

You want her to show me everything she is able to be so I can be blessed by a beauty I have only ever wanted to know.
Her name it will remind me of something like spring-time for around her the air will be like a deepness in serenity that I can only ever breathe in to know I can then feel like I am able to follow.
Her belief it will be like majesty for everything only those who are able to be known as kings are able to be endowed with as the ability to wish is only ever to know to her enough to be able to be touched by her faith and then to be able to then be transformed.
She's like a truth we all reach for when we want to believe in something that only those that only ever know when they give their lives to pursue something that it is only then ever able to be revealed.

I want to be able to make the passionate made greater in those from these hands that only yearn to touch a magnificence and then watch it made more magnificent.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What one can feel is hopeful

I saw you like all the hope I felt magnified as one.
You had shaken all of any difficulty off of you.
For no hardship in any circumstance could show you less fair.
Like challenge had no dominion over you, you fought against them.
As love she was your guide and you my dream was my faith.
I took my pains with me from my heart that beats to also beat more.
Weighed by my passions for you my darling I challenge myself.
To give every kindness and every moment a chance to find beauty.
Taken by compassionate I yearn for longer moments to find you more beautiful.
Knowing that when you give it's not just for me but also for everyone.
Yet I find when I appreciate what you give more you feel more for what you give for me.
Then I'm given opportunities I never knew because I'm offered more when I feel more for them.
Love she's like perfect freedom for nothing can ever go wrong for one that knows no wrong.
Beauty she's like everything yearned for, for she knows she's worth far more than money.
Kindness she's miraculous for one who just needs to be held to have faith another day.
Passion it's like a flame we have trailed behind us because we need our way guided forward by something we can't live without pursuing from.

I'd give my life to hear what it's like to to feel her laugh in blissful comfort, knowing that she'll never be alone but with someone to hold her I hope could be me.

No battle or trial would be insurmountable as you would see my passions through.
With dreams like wilderness spanning deep we find they're not as wild as they are as deep.
For all adventure is wild, for it seeks what others also wish for but we know we must search more.
Hopeful to find some kind of paradise walking through life like thickets, between branch and path we follow rivers onward.
Like trailing streams from with courage and passion, making all that comes before us used to find life another day.
We are able to find in ourselves a belief that there's nothing able to be hidden for those that search through everything and also know what they're looking for.
I'd show her the life I want for us when I find myself with her like we've stepped next to a stream leading us into a garden.
With all we've lived for as if stretched down for us, things we reach for like opportunity provided from those around us, like apples from trees.
Knowing that all we need to do is limit ourselves what we have been given until more opportunities come we'll then be blessed even more another day.
I'll look at her and tell her, “when we have reached more than I never knew our love could weave us through from within a life so beautiful I'd tell her it's all beautifully woven for her.”

Religious people talk about gardens as if they are made for people to pursue, but wiser people know no garden exists without her to help wise men pursue it more.

Because the trick is the garden those religious people talk about is the life we all hope to reach but the trickiest part is also knowing that we only actually pursue it for the sake of others.

She's like grace without bounds for nothing is more beautiful than serenity she helps us to be able to find.

Like a garden in ourselves one that spans a life made seemingly eternal by the love she wants us to have that we also have for her.

She's an angel but greater because she's just a person that even the angels would bow down to.

As she carries something greater in her eyes that maybe angels know but she only just believes in. Which is greater because she knows by what she just experiences only by believing.

I find perfection is maybe found in not knowing what perfection could be but by knowing what it takes to find something people see as perfect.

For her love I feel is perfect because I would feel nothing but perfection by a faithful devotion that seems to wrap around me covering up any sense that I could ever not be perfectly loved.

I'd hope to then be able give up all of what I'd take as from something like a soul, to have tranquility fall down upon us like rain from a sky that soothes us to rise higher, to dream farther, to bask in an eternal bliss where the calm can only be filled by a song only sung more beautiful.

I tell myself I believe in something like angels and God because everyday I could be with her would be something like only heaven could be.

All because you had a hope I saw that magnified something I wanted to see as one.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Greatest Seasons of One's Life

I took her dreams and all she believed,
And wore them like anchors and triumphs lifting me to skies to also lift me higher.
She told me all she knew and I felt like she's one to know.
Taking all life's difficulties as temporary while she finds good things she sees as miracles which paint her such beautiful pictures.
In a life that she finds so wonderfully, beautiful like all she dreamed of for all the good things she one day would wake to find.
She found me as if daring and believing that one day I'll paint her world pictures with all the beautiful things she wants to see in life.
It would be like with my love I'd hope for her to have I'd take triumphs from the skies and carry them down to her to tell her what I could find for her to also show her I love her.

I tell her, her name reminds me of January because knowing her feels like the beginning of the new year.

For in some places when the snow starts to settle in after the new year this I tell her that means spring is also coming soon.
She'll say one day it was worth it to feel the cold earlier because she believed one day it would help us better feel the oncoming warmth in knowing we'll one day have each other.
She is more beautiful than all the words I could ever mutter as the only words worth muttering are the ones that make me realize I'm warmer than if I had never said anything at all.

When spring comes one day with her I'll tell her, she reminds me of summer because though it's now warming we'll find our passions warmest when the sun has filled our paths the brightest.
I'll tell her this road was made for us to walk as the sky it lights the road most visible when we're able to walk most comfortably together.
Finding our peace down the steps we walk with our four feet making trails together into evenings that rise in bright, fresh morning air.

Then when summer passes and fall approaches as our lives start to droop down the pinnacles from the roads we walked together, I'll tell her she's most beautiful now as I have spent my life finding how I could lift her greater.
For the roads we walked I walked with and for her and four feet can walk farther than two feet ever could. As I realize I could have never loved as much had I never been in love with her.
I'll remember summer and laugh about how we were so passionate and embracing of every opportunity as hopeful. We'd be smiling because we could remember how adventurous she was and how courageous I was and how wonderful we were together.

Then when even the fall begins to pass as the snow starts to fully fill the world around us, the air is thick and time seems to slow I'll look at her and tell her she's more beautiful than I ever knew.

As all the time I had spent with her, I could never fully see how much I had loved her until our time is running out. I want to be thankful for all the time I had and grateful for all that she is and was and still is.

I'll tell her I originally thought she reminded me of January and the new year but I was wrong because she really reminds me of December.

Because when we both fall into some sleep where our lives pass away she'll have been with me all the seasons of the greatest years of my life and I was thankful I could see such a beautiful life with her.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Adventurous Explorer

The Adventurous Explorer

They loved like songs from wind sung on open sea.
They had opened their life like sails for the wind to carry them through seeming paths which leads them through life itself.
Never knowing where what they felt would lead them or if they'd be capsized in the end, they just hoped to find their voyage easy.
Standing outside underneath the stars we can feel the heat of life beating down on us as we direct our love to the wind trying to find some orientation to it all.
Disorientated yet still finding a need to fight against the rage of hardship from stormy nights, we direct our sails to temper the turmoil and the difficulties.
There's no comfort for sea sickness on this boat except by throwing part of yesterday's guts off the side of this vessel and waiting for the perils of today to subside.
Realizing in ourselves that nobody ever travels the open sea without first believing in something to find and also something to prove.
Still we are hoping in ourselves that something we love be it reached for with either courage or with either fortune can be found.
Finding that once we land in a strange land and feel either sand or jungle beneath our feet, then look for food and water we'll also find what we have traveled all this way for.
If we have one thing to ever prove in this life, it's that love won't ever let us down.
Even if everything else seems to have failed, and our own very mast seems as if faulted we can still hear the wind as if calling us and we can also find courage and fortune again and again.
For one day we will find what we have searched for be it an oasis or some undiscovered world from adventure there is no substitute for courage or to be made fortuitous and there is no other way to find love.

How he was able to find a beautiful life

I saw you standing there so seemingly lost somewhere out of luck,
Until your you sat flustered while your dreams battered helplessly against time.

I said, “just believe in something better.”

You took your dreams with you and walked, sidestepping misfortunes along the way while hoping that time would show you fair.

Wounded your faith around opportunities until they acted as anchors to hold you still to keep you from also falling as misery and hardships fell away like you never knew them at all.

Dreaming you were of brighter hopes to reach you higher then also lift you farther.

I told you, “take your loves and move them until they move you farther from where your pains could ever cause you to stumble.”

You reached for grace until she also made you blessed.

Reaching higher and farther you did until not even gravity of those that try to hold you down to pull at you even if stronger could hold you, while you're also grasping at all and everything the beautiful could drop down for you to lift yourself up more.

She said, “freedom's like a savior for freedom opens us to all the ways we can be without encumbering us to premature ends.”

She said, “shadows they hide inside misfortune yet both are made to disappear when sunlight dawns.”

She then took her dreams and she found, “when I dream and find what I dreamed of, it's like a miracle. For I dream in audacity and seeming helplessness and once I find what I dream to eventually be true I'm flabbergasted because I feel like every dream made true also requires a miracle.”

She then took her hopes and all the dreams she inspires herself with and she said, “I'm going to change my world by hopefully changing the world of everyone else for the better.”

I asked her how she could be so daring yet also so inspiring and she said, “It's because I also believe in something better.”

At the time she said that I also was lost seemingly in a bout of misfortune while battering my dreams against a future that seemed so cold and paralyzing and I realized I also didn't need to be afraid to walk so freely in love in this, such a beautiful life.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

If this is what love is like I'd dream of finding her a little longer.

I believe,
Beauty can cause the shadow,
To disappear and light can fill its place.

While dreamers whisper where serenity stood.
As time moves in paths that find them greater.
I said joy can help fill a world by people that love.
While happiness can lift us all to places majestic.

As long as she's graceful, you can wear your joys within her love and also find yourself happier in the end.
For when she reaches for you to hold you in her arms you're comforted and as free as you could ever be.
You never knew what hopes she wrote you until you took her trust in your heart and saw her also love triumphantly to find you also believe her in the end.
I watched her find compassion as her kindness found me smiling in the end as I laughed with her until I knew I was loved.

You know how I know she's beautiful? Because when she moves I can't help but feel like there's no other place my eyes could stare so fair. When she walks I feel like I'm dancing while stationary and my heart can never sit still enough to keep me from noticing it's also beating faster and faster. If I told myself this is what love is like but I'd be lying because that would mean I've figured out I can't also feel like I love her more. I'd tell her I'm still dreaming but I'd realize it was all a cover to feel like I had something worth drawing her attention to me more than I could ever do. I don't deserve what she could bring me because love is always perfect when you find it and people are worth beyond any sort of value and I see I am perfectly wealthy when her arm's around me.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Triumphant

You had loved all of what it was that you had dreamed from.
For all my hopes you had felt had been what had carried you higher.
On moments they rose them I then found joy could find me on my way.
She took me as a friend by grace and I was able to carry myself with a melody.
Until then I'd find a passion to rise from within and also raise myself from.
By a flame I had run from originally then I had been guided by what I had been forced to run towards.
Now I find all my hardships are what I find can also be what lights my way.
For beauty is more than skin deep and love makes her and people like her more beautiful.
I had searched my eyes to find something gorgeous in what earlier I was not able to find.
Finding I did that in all of what we are able to find in life the most beautiful thing we can ever do is found in how we are able to treat others.
It's not our passions that rise the passionate higher, it's also knowing when our passions can inspire those who also wish to be inspired around us.
I locked my pain in shackles and hung my past mistakes until they both stopped fighting against me.
Finding it's not just what we go through that we overcome it's what we overcome that we also never repeat again.
The greatest joys in life are knowing you are free to laugh because you are free to be loved.
Such hard moments we could say to others about or such beautiful blessings we could look to, to be transformed by love and prosperity.
I have a goal to not talk about the pain of anything and instead to talk about the triumphs, the seemingly miraculous and feel what it's like deep inside as far in me as I can know that the act of surviving through and by love and also by kindness can be greater than anything less.
I call myself a writer, a poet, but without others there is never any other purpose, and I've been gifted not by prose nor word but by people and everyone is a purpose unto themselves that I must live my life to give my life not seen as if mine but a reflection of everyone else onto me.
For nobody is but a reflection just onto themselves and many people mold just one and the greatest of us are the ones that everyone is able to bless in any way they can.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Her Name was Something Like Jewelry

You never told me how I broke your heart.
Only that I was the one that did it.
More beautiful was your heart than all the sunlight I could see.
Yet your heart was so graceful I could never see the shade.
I had told you I would walk through valleys for you.
It was because I always wanted to someday see mountain ranges with you.
For I had wished to see from heights all the cites which covered the world below us.
I'd ask to take your hand from within this serene place I wish to walk you through.
We'd play like children in wilderness of meadows, to run, to laugh and also to smile.
I said you're like a dream I could never only just touch and also the only one I only ever wished to reach.
I'd said I'd want to sing for you and every song you loved to hear sing was only about love.
To dip my faith in the waters surrounding us you'd see it rise again cleaner than it ever was before.
For you I'd wash my sorrows again and again with faith until they're too small to ever be seen as pain.
In you I'd believe that nothing is more beautiful than the ability to feel loved and love because of it.
As I'd see my hopes made more truthful and more and more believable in the way you'd make me feel.
I told you I believe in something greater that's also loving like how a dove is able to sit so calmly after crashing on lake top until the water surrounding it starts to calm around it.
I know you're gorgeous because I'd never see you for who you think you are and only who I believe you can be.
You can be how you know you are deep inside of yourself you just may not realize it yet.
Someday I want to help you know that of all wounds the heart is maybe the easiest one to break and also the easiest one to fix.
I've made mistakes I believe but you were never one of them because I would have broken my heart also if I'd ever have broken yours and a broken heart is also the easiest thing to fix.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

She likes to Pray and Pick Flowers While Watching Butterflies Flap their Wings

For on words they swung were elegant.
To be moved by the immediate and transformed by the sound.
From every song they sang was beautiful and not one word away ran unknown.
You asked her how she knew the words to how you felt when you felt most at ease and understood.
She said, “I'm just picking daffodils from flowerbeds and watching butterflies fly around me.”
That day you remember well because she was really telling you about her greatest joys from childhood.
You asked her what caused her to remember her joys of childhood so vividly when she talked to you.
She laughed and said, “some of us just need to be sung a song and when I was a child I'd sing and look at the sunlight inspired until evening and then I'd fall asleep, resting under the moonlight.”
You never asked her why she'd sit in a garden until evening then fall asleep under the stars, but one day you realized she did it only when she was praying.
For her mother she said never loved her and her father she said was an alcoholic.
She'd go to a garden her neighbors made before they moved away and watched their flowers grow, picking weeds when she realized they would cause some flowers to wither and die.
You told her, "I believe when a butterflies flaps its wings the world can change."
You said,  "I read it in a book one time, and it's called the butterfly effect I believe."
She asked you how you knew of her hardship of this moment, she told you, "I also took for joy in ease and understanding of how she made me feel."
I looked at her and told her, “You've won now you realize for every time a butterfly flaps its wings you like to sing.”
You lost not one beautiful syllable or heartfelt poignancy in her words and everything was beautiful.
When she sings I can still feel goosebumps on my skin and I tell myself it's just a butterfly landing on my arm ready to fly away.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Praise for Inspiration

You imagine all the ways you comfort us to inspire.
For not by trial lost and worn by circumstance was I lost.
Those that yearn for you my beauty and my song I believe in.
When all that tires is not on hardship or persistence but renewed by love.
For naught of circumstance could we ever be in a situation to find ourselves let down.
Which you can never triumph if you are never willing to swing on seeming chance.
To let it move us by pendulum, swinging on loftier height to swing higher.
We rise when we lift ourselves and we know all opportunity is the child of preparation.
To reach on heights we reach higher, to touch the skin of beauty and still be blessed.
When she reaches into our hearts to lift us higher we yearn for brighter sunlight.
Raising us into clouds that seem to to allow our imagination to span in endless clarity.
As all that's magnificent falls down on the place we reach for in sunlight and sometimes rain.
Waters that wash the visible tolls and toils of those that lift us higher, their faith is great too.
Knowing that rainstorms fall on greatness and lowliness and all that blesses must also make us face hardship.
Storms that wash and clean the sweat and grime of trials overcome away.
In the rain nobody can ever know even if you cried through any of it.
My heroes are those that lift others and are lifted by heroes also.
If not for circumstance made challenging would we ever need to be heroic and made more so.
Not for reaching for higher greatness shall a hero ever be made greater and only the triumphant of the day rise higher.
When we all then sing and dance for beauty our song you inspire in us that's as comforting to us as heaven would be and as triumphant as it would be when we get there.
I imagine the ways you inspire and I find it's comforting just to dream.

A Woman's Faith

I told you I was not afraid to dance like a dreamer and hope for miracles like a fool.
For I searched out love and endlessly ran where I knew it ran and I ran away.
Endlessly lost I was liberated for she was more moving than my own fears.
Shook me she did until I realized that love is always why we run and also run faster.
The way she tells me there's a reason and a purpose to it all I just believed.
Not on just faith also on her heart I could find no wrong in what she said.
She helped to turn me from a man with nowhere to go to a man with everywhere to go.
I'd tell her I love her and I am thankful and she already knows and she is also joyful for me.
For never did I run from trial or hardship without dreaming of a better way to believe in something.
Why lost men continue to run I don't know except for love of something they're chasing after.
There's nothing greater to chase after than a heart that will cause you never to need to run lost.
I think of all the times I asked her for hope and belief and I never had a chance to know her at all.
For all the time she spent on me selflessly is more indicative of her goodness than my suffering.
In not hardship I may have been able to offer more, for that she is charitable much more than myself.
When someone gives you all their energy and commitment you also owe them success and goodness.
For all those that sacrifice for others their time and effort are all for naught if we lose what they give.
If not for endlessly worn trial made right with love to liberate from all our suffering we can never free others from their own difficulties.
Where I find myself and where I better my hardships from that is where others may find me more able to help others liberate themselves.
The trick about helping others is nobody helps others if they can't understand them, and nobody is too lost to be understood by those that can also help them.
Our trials then are lighthouses once overcome for those who crave warmth from the darkness and the rain.
Love can bring us all to shore and she can also bring us from the rain.
I told myself I wasn't afraid to act what I thought was foolish to find miracles and dance when I thought I was dreaming when really I realize now you have to do both anytime you ever want to be in love.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why God Made Sparrows

You took the fall from the sparrow, to watch the lover turn.
To ride upon grace when wind lifts them to rise evermore.
How much more you cause us to rise from turbulent wind.
We use hardship for triumph, situation to benefit.
All to surround us in your world with elegant grandeur.
Enough to fathom consistent beauty and still be moved by changing situations.
We become more a sum of our firmness through it all.
While bits and pieces of turmoil try to pick at us, we remain permanent and steady through it all.
You my source of love, the one I dream for I find more permanent and resilient than all the hardships could ever make me change.
If not for grace you impart and pressure to force me to rise I'd fall away to leave this place so lost to carelessly fall away.
Creating order and purpose to rise higher I carry on when all my triumphs seem more lonely and all my hardships seem so damaging.
Like a sparrow I yearn to reach higher places and touch the sheer heights of skyline while knowing the world down below is where I temporarily reside for a chance to make my home above in sky again.
You my grace and love that keeps my heart inside beating warming me as I continue to rise higher.
With me knowing without a heart that's warm I'll fall away to never touch the heights I hope to reach.
If not for sheer splendor and skill a person's talent is on display it's heart that shines and warms all it impacts.
For one day when we reach all we yearn for in trial and grace that's the day we begin to fall away.
At this moment we find if we can soar our way to safety to be held in the hands of those we love, we'll warm them with our heart even though initially we feel cold.
They'll understand it was love that caused us to rise and they'll hold us as beautiful, affectionate to our heart and also the warmth we make them feel.
At that moment we'll tell them, we're all like sparrows and sparrows are metaphors for those that reach for triumph and also love. For it's triumph which causes us to reach greater things and love that comforts us when we start to fall.
This is what causes people to appear as elegantly adept almost stunning yet also appear as humble and harmlessly innocent.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Disappearing Shadows

This is a short piece about a person, who is fairly influential in their area of life (anyone renowned in a skilled discipline) and yearns for greater things because they are afraid for themselves if they don't. Rather they work because they feel if they do not they're afraid for themselves and their own lack of knowledge and understanding. So they stare at objects they research and study like light itself. They see what they study as it intrigues them is also beautiful to them. They reach for it more and more and their passion consumes them more and more. They find they are more refreshed the longer and harder they search for this information and knowledge that they seek, finding they may be temporarily tired though their energy and life is restored when they wake. Eventually they find as they seemingly inch closer and closer to their eventual discovery they feel the knowledge and understanding they attained as pure light and also goodness. They are warmed by it and they look back at the fear of their own lack of knowledge and understanding and see it as a little less fearful and also daunting.

You dreamed of all the shadows.
You ran through them like nightmares.
Ones you longed to forget.
Until you realized they are that a shadow.
And shadows can never touch us.
Even when and as they hide from us.
All the fears and my fears, they reached at you.
Memories you longed to run from.
They are also long forgotten now.
As all memories run away from eventually disappear.
As they become less and are more lost and eventually completely forgotten.
Though why stare at shadows or nightmares?
When we can stare at stars and dreams we hold sacred?
To touch towards the skyline and be moved by a beautiful sunrise.
Nothing else is more moving than something completely beautiful.
You touch at and reach for the stars, wishing to see everything.
Grasping at all you understand and reaching for all you don't.
You pine away my pain and my sorrows, night and day they disappear.
As I reach and reach for greater and greater things.
Things that confound me and transform me, moving me and what moves me.
You pine for skies that warm me night and day and I am warmed still.
Everything you lose when the skylight departs, is renewed again when it rises.
For me to reach for all that you could ever touch and see and be, I inch closer still.
Wrapping starlight around my face, through my skin and over my body.
You become all I yearn for and become more of what I see you can touch and am warmed evermore.
Looking back at the shadows that plagued my nightmares for so long you find they're a little brighter and even they began to disappear.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Paths of Love


This is written from two perspectives of the same person.

The first one is the younger man explaining about finding love and the second is the older man explaining about how to find love. Rather the first poem appears typical of a younger man who is adventurous, pondering his choices and the second poem appears typical of an older man who is wise, explaining his choices. The interesting thing to note is these two writings are identical and the younger man's story is the older man's story in reverse.

The goal of the story is two-pieced.  The first is to realize the older man is happy though wise and question what caused him to be happy and wise.  The second is to realize the younger man is initially naive and foolish though towards the end he becomes the older man, happy and wise.  

Also the deeper meaning is the fact that the younger man and the older man are symbolic references towards anyone which is inspired to do anything.  Rather the search of love itself is a driving force towards the younger man making choices and the older man who has made choices.   The only thing different between the story of the young man and the older man is what stage of love they are in.  

Younger Man

You saw a perfect love and you followed after.
Upheaval befell me and mystery confounded me though in trusting her I overcame and understood it all.
A beauty more fitting for a dream I saw her as though I followed after her still.
She led me through triumph and glee with kindness carrying me through to her.
You thought of her as love and greater beauty could not or ever could not exist.
Ran you did through sheer seeming impossibility with audacity to brave me through.
Courageously to be admirable to those which didn't understand why you could hopefully run.
No sort of obstacle could stop you nor enemy could convince you to surrender.
For you saw perfection in love and beauty and she was my inspiration to reach even greater.
My triumphs made me weary and my battles made me worn though she comforted me.
To laugh you could and embellish the gorgeous around me, she said dream more.
All for a chance to show her what I saw her as with words and actions with courage.
There is no greater goal and no greater way to be inspired I felt until I could reach her.
In this quest all lovers are agonized and triumphant until they feel they love perfectly.
Made mad by passion that only one in love can understand increasingly more lost to find it.
Wandering through wilderness and sheer desire enough to touch what beauty we seek.
To find that there are no greater quests for one who wishes to adventure than to seek out love.
Wondering how we could have gotten here, so lost yet so free through feeling more to seek.
To touch the face of sheer beauty and be inspired more to find something we may have missed.
Realizing you and her one day find yourselves together walking the same road and she smiles at you.
A smile to reach straight into you grab your heart and hold it more comforting than carried in your own bones.
Like life itself could hide the greatest things it has for us in the mystery it takes two hearts to come together.
For her I dig for reason on the road I walk to show her how much I love her by.
Explaining all the ways in loneliness I could reach for greater and bring it down to her.
For her to hold it in her hands and be overjoyed by the love it took to bring to her.
To one day know that time makes fools of inspiration and the audacity we require to find it.
Grasping at grandeur and finding it lost to our hands.
We realize how foolish dreams are if they're not of others as things are the ficklest fruits of all.
Finding that we die with everything if we die in love with others and we die with nothing if we die with just possessions.
This is the only way to give meaning to it all and the only way to be inspired through it.
For life itself is love and life blesses those in love and those that travel paths to it are given opportunities.
And I in my audacity ask for the ability to find something seemingly perfect as opportunities fall along the way to me that carry me further.
In this our quest is never complete until we find we've found someone perfectly beautiful.
Which is an impossibility though once you find love together then you find what makes another beautiful is that you follow them to beauty.
Which is ironic because we find our entire lives searching for perfect love, then once we find it we find how to make it perfect.
Which I don't understand how someone could find something perfect in a life built on triumph over hardship, and pain, and suffering though I think I'll die trying and one day I'll consider myself lucky if I've died only to find it.
Even then I'd wonder is this perfection then I'd laugh.

Older Man

Even then I'd wonder is this perfection then I'd laugh.
Which I don't understand how someone could find something perfect in a life built on triumph over hardship, and pain, and suffering though I think I'll die trying and one day I'll consider myself lucky if I've died only to find it.
Which is ironic because we find our entire lives searching for perfect love, then once we find it we find how to make it perfect.
Which is an impossibility though once you find love together then you find what makes another beautiful is that you follow them to beauty.
And I in my audacity ask for the ability to find something seemingly perfect as opportunities fall along the way to me that carry me further.
For life itself is love and life blesses those in love and those that travel paths to it are given opportunities.
This is the only way to give meaning to it all and the only way to be inspired through it.
Finding that we die with everything if we die in love with others and we die with nothing if we die with just possessions.
We realize how foolish dreams are if they're not of others as things are the ficklest fruits of all.
Grasping at grandeur and finding it lost to our hands.
To one day know that time makes fools of inspiration and the audacity we require to find it.
For her to hold it in her hands and be overjoyed by the love it took to bring to her.
Explaining all the ways in loneliness I could reach for greater and bring it down to her.
For her I dig for reason on the road I walk to show her how much I love her by.
Like life itself could hide the greatest things it has for us in the mystery it takes two hearts to come together.
A smile to reach straight into you grab your heart and hold it more comforting than carried in your own bones.
Realizing you and her one day find yourselves together walking the same road and she smiles at you.
To touch the face of sheer beauty and be inspired more to find something we may have missed.
Wondering how we could have gotten here, so lost yet so free through feeling more to seek.
To find that there are no greater quests for one who wishes to adventure than to seek out love.
Wandering through wilderness and sheer desire enough to touch what beauty we seek.
Made mad by passion that only one in love can understand increasingly more lost to find it.
In this quest all lovers are agonized and triumphant until they feel they love perfectly.
There is no greater goal and no greater way to be inspired I felt until I could reach her.
All for a chance to show her what I saw her as with words and actions with courage.
Too laugh you could and embellish the gorgeous around me, she said dream more.
My triumphs made me weary and my battles made me worn though she comforted me.
For you saw perfection in love and beauty and she was my inspiration to reach even greater.
No sort of obstacle could stop you nor enemy could convince you to surrender.
Courageously to be admirable to those which didn't understand why you could hopefully run.
Ran you did through sheer seeming impossibility with audacity to brave me through.
You thought of her as love and greater beauty could not or ever could not exist.
She led me through triumph and glee with kindness carrying me through to her.
A beauty more fitting for a dream I saw her as though I followed after her still.
Upheaval befell me and mystery confounded me though in trusting her I overcame and understood it all.
You saw a perfect love and you followed after.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Brilliance and Luck

You had felt if you had just dreamed a little longer and felt a little stronger you'd have everything you wanted.
For this you worked tirelessly to think for how you could be what you see as greater and greater.
Though reaching a point of you own limitations you questioned for myself whether you could do more.
In this you realized perfection in mind and thought itself though seemingly attainable is impossible.
For every thought and hope we carry can never run forever and it either stops when we do or when we realize we can't reach any farther.
The breaking of the hope and psyche itself it only inspiring if we can catch it before it crashes.
Otherwise we wind away and watch ourselves brittle and crack as we go into depths unknown.
For genius is only greatness when it can run and half of any genius running is opportunity to run.
To take away a composer's instrument of composition would make them as ordinary or even maybe less than any other as they'd slowly lose their skills with their loss.
Watching their strengths and passions become none apathetic to nothing more than their loss.
As everything they ever worked for crumbles at their feet and they question why others can be so cold for them to be placed in an impossible position of unsolvable and necessary apathy.
When everything they ever loved most becomes as useless and pointless to all they chose to work towards.
To crack a seemingly, unconquerable mind indomitable in all pursuits of love and brilliance you crack their heart again and again until it bleeds unable to be recovered by sheer intellectualism turned to petty desperation and chance.
As one trades joy for pain to try to create joy from grabbing at crumbs of what they use to create brilliance that's where you take a great person and break them to pieces.
You know this because you lived this once and how you choose to never live it again is to never mistake brilliance for love though brilliant people grasp at it because it shows them how to love greater.
This is why nobody can understand how such a lofty dreamer can be seen as great just to disappear.
To question why they should at all one may ask and truly the only answer is they beforehand knew that sometimes being happy trumps being brilliant and the greatest know that you can't be most brilliant if you can't be happy, because even if others see you are a genius you yourself aren't clear enough to see the joy in their words.
This is why you feel you must show most brilliance at the greatest possible moments as those will also be the greatest opportunities to be given enough resources to run the longest.
This is why you feel as great as some people may be they can never be their personal greatest because nobody has a monopoly on every opportunity available.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Paths of Him Through Her Maze

A poem to explain what it may feel like to fall in love from a perspective of a man that believes love is the greatest thing anyone can ever experience. The beginning goes from the perspective of seeing a woman as a challenge, then trying to solve her difficulties by being and doing greater things, realizing that their feelings of grandeur are in many ways an illusion though believing in them anyway. They feel when they love her they find all they ever felt as the meaning to life which they see is love and friendship with their only explanation or description of this emotion as being divine.

Which they feel free with her though realize that it's because of her they feel like this and allow her to take them away from their emotional hardships, which they feel she sees them as nonexistent and temporary while they trust her infinitely. They see all their trials and difficulties then as complete adventures and opportunities realizing they in their audacity never encountered the hardships others around them less fortunate may have gone through. Which the times she gets disappointed and needs time to think about him and her are the most difficult moments he can experience. For when she leaves him he feels a pain harder than when they were together. Though when he falls in love again it makes it all worth it, feeling as if he's victorious again and the victories make the failures worth it all just to be in love again.

You saw her like a maze,
Where all the bends and turns lead to greater places.
For on hopeful words we make our mark and all passion leads to grace.
When we trust that the greater the trials the loftier the rewards.
For when she touches you, you feel like you're free.
To reach for all and everything while grasping at greater than even you can see.
The adventure is in the struggle and no battle seems un-winnable and no hardship seems unconquerable.
Indomitable and driven by a will to believe and fathom the beauty and the sheer audacity of it all.
To gather brilliance as if it seems to call your name to reach her, transformed by what inspires you to grasp at the triumphant and still be humble enough to feel the way she moves you to the core of the depths of it all.
Finding the endless warm and feeling endlessly warm enough to touch the face of sheer divinity and see life itself as a lover and as a friend.
To ride dreams for whatever may come and see it through as if inspired by the present which the future guides to greatness feeling warm and hopefully inspired as if gracefully free.
To sing on at the outside of freedom's door and have her take you in from the rain.
You have hope that hope will carry me to and through the shadows of hardship when she sings my way through the trials, like she never knew me to struggle at all in some sweet, perfect adoration in love.
Lost in some sweet wilderness yet never take it more than some adventure that she carries me through.
Never to face the thorns and thickets of misery and trial wrought with gall and brine we struggle to avoid, tasting clear air and fresh water from where she leads us through.
To never taste the sting of loneliness and sorrow until we miss her and we see her gone.
In this there can be no hardship greater and no trial loftier than to love her just to have her fall away.
Though this is the battle we all yearn for and live for so we can have another chance to show we're a hero as courageous as a lion to see her love through.
For when we can call ourselves victorious only when we can be the victor of her love, indomitably passion worn by the struggle we carry to just see her another day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

All the hopes You held

All the hopes you held.
They ran as wild children made wild by the wilderness they ran through.
For you believed as if hopeful and hopefully inspired by youth you ran.
Clutching at places not long to replace the place you hold so reverently hallow.
In this what you see as beautiful and young in spirit is what doesn't escape my hopes as you age though unwillingly.
There is a place we all hold as sacred in us we run to like children that play until the daylight goes away.
In this we're hallowed by the core of where we find grace, and beauty and youth and innocence.
Knowingly we're aged well when we think we age like we've never been old and only aspire to be young.
Which is an impossibility though we like to see ourselves as if we've never aged at all with all the vigor and hope of youth.
In turn we see ourselves not as who we could be but who we wish ourselves to be and become more as who we wish we are imitating that which inspires us further to be inspired.
For we recollect not as we necessarily see ourselves to be though as we know we can be if we recollect how we choose to behave as if children and youth made wiser through the years.
This is truly the secret to never seeing ourselves as old or washed up by the weight of pain and hardship made harder by trial and age which breaks us down.
For recollecting all the beauty of that which inspires and makes us yearn for greater grabbing at dreams along the way, that's what makes us greater and greater eventually seeing ourselves as great from the eyes and opinions of others.
In this you dream never to lose sight of that which makes me have an opportunity to see joy and passionately led freedom in the air which causes me question everything yet not necessarily know what I ask or have asked.
As love falls on the way of those that seek out wisdom in knowledge and others see us as brilliant when truly we're just playing in a sea of life and information that gives us more than we are ever able to fully understand.
If I am ever to be able to see as greater it's not through hardship and misery wrought along the path you bury it's by finding joys in between the pains and trials that convince me to find some sort of value in it all.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Faithful Atheist

You saw it like a mazes of infinite shadows.
And where they ran was infinitely warm.
Made warm by shadows that were infinitely warm.
Though not one confused touch ever felt too warm to bear.
As she touched me I felt warmer than I've ever been.
Like life flew into my bones from skin that felt life itself.
I think that's why I could never feel less than alive with her.
My darling that never touched me in a way that ever made me feel cold.
For when she dreamed of how I felt I couldn't tell her.
It was like a maze of feelings I just could not find a pattern to.
I just know she never made me feel like I could ever be less than warm.
Though I always felt like I had an answer to it all, then I'd find it lacking.
Words that she confused more than the confusion it took to make them.
To try to understand how someone so beautiful could be so inexplicable.
I think that's why I confuse myself when I try, stumbling on words I don't understand.
From feelings I can't ever find a way to fully explain.
Though I know she loves one who gives an honest effort.
Honestly effort is all I have to try to understand her.
For who she loves is like a shadow as we only see it when it's gone.
And to inexplicably try to understand is rather hallow.
As you're really grabbing at feathers of angel's wings blown away.
When really the only angel I've ever believed in is in her.
For life could never make anything more fair or beautiful to me.
Though some supposed ideology of god in her you could never question, when she in herself carries her life as more divine than some majesty was ever supposed to be to me.
In this you think you have faith as faith is really just believing in beautiful to me.
For her I feel if she continues to follow what she knows to be good I would never see her as anything but beautiful.
In this you think my faith is inexplicable because I have no faith in God but in her I see God and have faith.
For she is in faith in good as following what I know as beautiful in faith though God exists not outside of her or I though in ourselves and this is why I am an atheist on the outside though also a striving saint when it comes to how I choose to act or behave.
I think there's no better way to believe in perfect good and no other way to never be let down.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Way You Dream I Was Dreaming

The way you dream I was dreaming,
She found me like she needed me.
I lost my eyes in skies that never quite knew the sunrise.
And dreamed of lies that never quite knew her eyes.
Until she told me to wear a disguise until these lies die.
She stole my grief and everything which consumed me like a thief.
Until not even words could find their way to pain she didn't write.
For write they must until she took even those lies away.
And pain it never had a pen to decipher these thoughts between these ears.
Upon paper that never could understand what was written on couldn't help it.
When we look at things that can cause us to relieve our grief as more than human.
For words mean nothing unless they can heal you by inspiring you to not break in two.
If then really the lie means more to me than her own ability to heal me I think I'm just lying to myself.
I think that's why you live two lives, one of which I never knew and one of which I always wanted to.
For if we can lie to ourselves to be next to her which she never knew why we didn't fully tell the truth you think that means more than lying to make her love us.
If this means you must hide all words for her to understand the way you feel you must!
For when she digs them out of me one at a time, she'll see I'm not just human I am healed as well.
In this you think it's not the way we feel which defines us, it's the way she feels as we feel the way we feel with her.
There can be no greater way to be than the way she makes us to be.
In this we hope she's more beautiful than what we don't understand and greater than what we never could.
For the limits of our dreams define the extent we see her to be and in limits there is no greater thing in our minds.
Then maybe the problem isn't with our dreams it's with our inability to be loved by one who sees our dreams.
In this you hope and believe her to be greater than you can ever see or hope her to be.
Knowingly I'll never know her and I think that's why I'll be forgotten to even myself.
Though if she can still feel the way I want her to feel for me maybe there's hope after all?

A Pondering of Love

She looked to me like I was greater than I was.
Then she said I'll run and you follow after.
She was talking about her life.

So I took these legs of mine carried by her upon the weight I carry and followed after.
You never knew how I could run so fast and so far yet her hope for me was all I knew to understand.
That's why you had dreamed this was more than just a dream to be forgotten.
For I can still dream of the taste I dream of her hope upon my lips.
A hope I never knew existed until it hit me like it never wasn't real.

So you had run faster than even I could recollect looking back to feel the taste of summertime upon my lips.
For joy is how I know her and nothing could be more joyful than ever thinking I did.
When all I recollect are disjointed memories pieced together by facts and everything makes me smile.
I think that's why she loved me so for it never mattered what we had necessarily done just that it made us happy in the end.
For she told me we have to carry each other when one falls and the other can carry on as nobody can ever walk alone and nobody can ever walk forever.
Then I realize it's not the days I don't remember that are just happy because they are, it's the days that are happy because I don't remember them not being any other way.
You never had a childhood you can remember not because you choose to forget it willingly but because it's not worth remembering.
So you write as if you see things like a child would because you never had a chance to see as a child would, simply happily.
I think that's why she told me to run with her because she never felt so willing to remember the way her childhood felt so innocently joyful than with me.
I guess when we're children we never realize how hard it is to run so fast and so far.
You believe that's why we never think we couldn't and that is why we have to be so carefree and seemingly reckless to do great things.
It's because a happy child really doesn't know what it's like to be afraid and I think she longed to feel innocent again and I longed to feel like I never wasn't.
I know that's why when I think of her kissing me I know it's not a lie and in some ways you think it always was.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Infinity and Life Itself

On will and valor's embrace you have favored from the paths you choose to tread you reached for all that blesses on the path of life you walk.
Yearning for all that you could ever wish to have and you wished that blessing could have my hope embraced in its favor, favorable to where you choose to walk.
Conundrums we have carried and continue to carry as riddles that we search out answers to that we wish favor and time to rip apart, blessing us in its destruction their eventual annihilation.
We search out grace like wise men made wiser by finding greater ways to lose agony and that which agonizes us, paining us to feel it break and joyfully to watch it go.
Making smaller riddles from the ashes of our understanding and breaking them to make even their mysteries disappear more in the ashes our understanding rises above like life itself.
Truly there is no greater way to grow and grow greater than breaking that to pieces that which causes us to sink.
For tower and fortress spawns greater and life itself continually becomes greater than it was.
As the only delay to life's continued growth is time itself and time cannot destroy that which only needs time to become greater.
Such greatness it is to watch life itself carry us to greater and greater places when we are just a speck in a sea of the grand existence of life itself.
In this the ones that lift everyone and everything living higher and higher are greatest as life itself lifts those that lift it greater itself.
In this there's nothing greater than the life that lacks nothing though needs nothing from life itself though that infinity is limited by the definition of infinity.
For life that lives as if it's infinitely sufficient is impossible as life requires life to be sufficient.
Which this is the illusion of virtue and the illusion it must require for life to exist as it sees virtue as perfectly attainable perfection.
When really there are only limits to perfection at the extent of what defines its greatest limit.
Which is truly the only explanation of infinity that we can conceptualize which is the greatest thing we can articulate without missing that which makes it seem lesser.
As we'll never truly understand anything fully as the perfect definition of understanding something is to perfectly understand what also it's not.
In this we can never truly and fully understand concepts such as virtue, love and life because in understanding their greatness to see it as we imagine it to be we also realize how we can never fully imagine it to not to be.
Then to understand one thing perfectly you have to spend your entire life experiencing the things it never is assuming we also learn by experiencing as much as we learn by thinking.
How great people never are destroyed by all that is not great they must rise greater than to become great that is a mystery in itself.
You think that is why great people believe in good things because that is what keeps them good.
There is nothing greater than a great person that is greater than what they choose not to be.
In this everything they struggle against is their enemy and that is everything that prevents them from being great.
In this you think we are ultimately fighting an impossible battle as greatness and life is the only thing worth dying for and the definition of life is to live and the only way to truly understand what life is, is to understand what it's not and in this the only way to experience what life is not is to die.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Of Sand Castles and the Dreams that Make Them Rise

A man feels he loves a woman unconditionally who he dreams about daily. He imagines what it's like to love her and be loved by her knowing he's just imagining her. He thinks of her like paradise and every second with her like freedom, knowing that it's just a dream he has. Which really he thinks is why someone in love can feel like it's paradise when it's actually just living each day for a dream they are trying to someday attain. He believes if he works harder, he'll be able to own the life he wishes to have for her when he's someday with her. He believes when that happens it will feel perfect and like building sand castles itself on a beach it will of course be transitory. Which is really the nature of love he feels because people believe in perfect love as unfailing when in actuality it can be fairly fickle. Then he culminates the thought with the realization that love can be perfect between two people if they never actually see it as failed even though someday it very much might. This is the illusion we believe in that convinces us to dream of outlandish things when in actuality it's the only reason we work for things and the only reason we ever believe there's anything greater. This is proven by the fact the narrator is actually alone this entire piece and what he feels is in fact an illusion.

Of Sand Castles and the Dreams that Make Them Rise

It's worth it the way she makes me feel it so.
Enough to grasp at dreams and dreamers yet still feel touched.
In her I give it all away and gain it all back again when she loves me more.
Though she's just a dream I dream of her love more.

Someday we'll be free my darling to walk the beaches of our paths made below us.
As we walk upon promises that dreams we felt could eventually carry us to.
Though will and sheer effort until all that crumbled to get us here is like sand beneath our toes.
Paradise could not be more fitting for her and it's only what I'd ever wish to give.

I think that's why I feel so free when I think of her.
For how else could I say I'd be able to enjoy this beach alone?
If not for the dreams I have of her that I could never have but by dreaming.

I think that's why we can feel so joyfully warm when we think of such a lonely place.
For it's not the salty waters nor the peace of the ocean's kiss on shoreline which makes me want to be here.
It's the sound of imagining her heartbeat in sync with waves that brings me back to thinking of her again and again.
Knowing that nothing could be more comfortable or joyful than the way she makes me feel when she feels at perfect peace with me.

That is why I work and work more so someday when I meet her maybe her and I could have a beach.
For what's more fitting than a private place where we can feel the world together?
As someday we'll watch the waters turn and wash away the sand castles and lofty mountains we make together.
Though nothing could ever take the love we made in making it.
Because deep down we're still like children making skyscrapers and cities we think will never fall.
Funny how the greatest things people think they create in their own eyes are those they never actually see fall.
In this our love may actually be perfect as we never see what we both made eventually fall as we'll both be gone before it goes.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thoughts of the Collective Self

Explanation of Three Part Work:
Thoughts of the Collective Self

This writing is made to be a view into the thought process of someone who looks at humanity for all its faults and all its beauty, seeing how first how people realize their devotion required to others, their obligation to them and eventually their own realization of the meaning of it all, which verifies the first two realizations. The narrator is the internal dialogue of the person in their thoughts as they are dreaming for hope and reason in life eventually finding truths inherent in simply being alive.

The narrative is driven by the thoughts of one continually driven to find a greater more unifying meaning to it all, that in purely reason based emotional argumentation can prove through logic itself why those smarter and greater than them are ultimately obligated to devote their resources to a greater good.

The narrator's thought process is actually an allegory for humanity itself, using statements that on an individual level and a group level are non-contradictory and ultimately have the same meaning. The ultimate take away is that perfection itself in mind the representation and the individual manifestation of genius is the realization that if a statement is fundamentally perfect everyone must collectively agree on it as being true. The idea then is that the narrator is a genius and they become ever closer to the collective intelligence of humanity itself when they find collective, universal truths among us all that are ultimately non-contradictory for both the narrator and also everyone else.

I: Devotion
You sacrificed your time, your efforts the energy in your bones so I could breathe.
Life from those fingers with energy you gave to me bound in promises and hope for me.
To dream as if you could always dream the way I could be.
Sacrifices I cherish like the air I breathe.

You taught me there's greater things than just me for there always exists inside, myself and a cause.
Nothing could be as inseparable as a life with a purpose and a life with a point to live by.
For we're both as rich and full as the promises we keep and ourselves we keep the promises inside.
That doesn't mean you ever pray, for we're still ultimately alone but what we're worth.

If I told you how you ever felt so free, would you question how we could ever be so bound?
To these obligations and promises we place on ourselves to each other and also to ourselves.
Lost ones are never free and free ones are never lost.
For as soon as we show our worth we are required to give to others all that we are.

In this the greatest are the ones which never are anything other for they can never not be.
People question how they could find such grace, character or brilliance and they wonder.
Though honestly if they haven't reached greatness they haven't wondered enough.
For trial by fire is very much trial by pain and one must work if they are ever to reap.

II: Obligation
In this we are bound by not just what we do but what we dream we can do and eventually become.
For if you can see it you can do it and in seeing greatness you are chosen by it and you are indentured to its service.
Success is then not a test it's a way of life for those that follow its favor.
In this we are bound by what we do and also what we don't do.
We eventually become more like then what we choose and what we never choose we are forgotten by.

III: Realization
Brilliance then is the nature of knowing all we know and forgetting all we never had a chance to.
Then the only way to know anything at all is to know others as deeply as possible and ourselves as well.
Then truly if one can look into a mirror and see not just themselves but a part of everyone they've ever known and believed in they know they are truly wise.
In this the only bounds of genius are how much you understand the truth and beauty of those around you and also the truth and beauty reflected in yourself.
This is why the greatest people in humanity have never ceased busying themselves and learning, not because they are limited by their brilliance but because they are limited by their time to be.
And this is why if an idea can save not just you but also others, you have effectively brought salvation on people themselves.
Though I'm being too optimistic because it's not the idea that saves people, it's good people using the idea for the greater good.
In this no idea is ever perfect as anything anyone believes at any time can be used to take advantage of others.
For we are masters of the tools we create to save us and also pawns.
As the more powerful the weapon used the greater advantage one has to subjugate another or to set them free.
I fear for the future, not because we are doomed by it but because we are doomed or liberated by the ones that control it.
I don't believe great people are also wealthy people though I believe wealthy people can become great through using what they have to help the poor.
I think the wealthier someone is more the greatest obligation they have is to help the poor if not for themselves but for humanity itself.
If humanity needs the greatest of us to lead it how then should we be bound by not our possessions but by only our brilliance?
This is why I feel technology can save the world and is probably the only thing that could, because the smarter someone becomes the greater they become to others.
Then our denominator for intelligence is by the creativity someone uses to turn possessions into power and also ultimately their heart is determined by how that power gained ceases to consume their continued devotion to others. Genius is determined then by how someone balances their life in the eyes of others from what they leave behind and its ultimate impact on people when they're gone.